Finance Office

New York, NY

We were thrilled when a private finance company approached us to create a VIP office for select team members that could also function as a venue for informal company meetings. With this project, we took the phrase ‘resi-mercial’ to the next level. We love it when our clients think outside of the typical office box and want to create a one of a kind environment for their employees.

Finance office m meeting room
Individual office with light walls and natural wood flooring

To create a meeting room space that would mimic a living room, but also accomodate up to fifteen people, we incorporated quite a bit of modular seating (the sofa is actually three separate pieces!) and end tables that could be easily moved around. We mixed woods, rattan and various other earthy textures and fabrics to create a natural but luxe lounge in which empolyees can gather.

Finance office reception area design with light couches and yellow chairs
finance office design for shelving

Art and décor accents include geometric prints with subtle pops of color, plants, books and one-of-a-kind objects styled to create fun and eclectic moments.

round finance office table with book on it

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Ready to design your space?

Speak with Gala Magriñá during a no risk, virtual session. You can talk about your goals and hear about her ideas for your design.