
Washington, DC

Bucketfeet, like our other E-Commerce clients, had tested markets with pop-ups and came to us to create their brick and mortar identity and open their first store in Washington DC’s new shopping and residential district, The Shaw. As “The World’s Most Unique Shoes” needed a unique home, we dug deep into brand identity and history and looked toward the future to create a design into which the brand could grow.

Each shoe is custom designed by an artist and there is a strong sense of community around the brand, so it was essential to bring those aspects into the store design. We took inspiration from artist’s home-studio spaces, where work and life blend beautifully together, and brought this to life in store through a large communal style table at which customers can hang out, create + charge their devices. We also added a focal moment with framed art that leans against walls amidst potted plants, much like what you would see in an artist’s studio. Polished concrete, birch wood touches and white walls are reminiscent of a raw, artistic space and create a gallery like, blank canvas to let product speak. Shoes are presented at an incline so the art is fully visible and a small display card sits next to each one, telling the customer about the artist that designed it and the inspiration behind the shoe.

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Ready to design your space?

Speak with Gala Magriñá during a no risk, virtual session. You can talk about your goals and hear about her ideas for your design.