Krupp Group

New York, NY

Krupp Group is a PR agency specializing in fashion and accessories and was expanding their show- room and office to a second floor to accommodate their growing business. This project was multifaceted as we looked at building out bright and inspirational office spaces for employees in addition to creating a beautiful and airy showroom in which to display product.

Natural wood flooring with a matte finish adds warmth to the space as do the plants and area rug.

Since accessories tend to be small and can easily look cluttered, we employed a white background comprised of various materials such as marble, powder coated steel, white washed wood and plexi blocks to give the showroom area depth while still keeping it clean and uniform.

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Ready to design your space?

Speak with Gala Magriñá during a no risk, virtual session. You can talk about your goals and hear about her ideas for your design.