Interior Design Blog

How Interior Design at Home = Sel-Care


This month I’m sharing all the ways we can bring more LOVE into our lives through intentionally designed spaces. Whether for ourselves in the form of self-love, giving it (hint: energy flows where attention goes), and finally attracting it. Yes there are ways to design your space to attract love into your life!

Both myself and my 1:1 holistic consult clients can vouch – it works! This is the power of intentionally designed spaces.

As always let me know what stands out and if you have any questions I can answer for you. Sending lots of ❤️,

Interior Designer Signature


If our homes, communities and surrounding environment directly affect our daily motivations, behaviors and lifestyle and these factors determine 80-90% of our health outcomes – then giving our homes some love is the ultimate form of self-love.

Décor – Take a look at your space. Does everything in it spark joy? Do you see something that makes you go “ughhh, I hate that” or “ughhhh, I can’t wait to replace that.” On Valentines Day, replace that thing. Or treat yourself to something (a piece of art, a vase, fresh flowers) that sparks joy and puts a smile on your face. You are worth it!

Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Joseph Kramm

Health There is no greater gift than good health. Our indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air thanks to our flooring, paint, upholstered and case good furniture. One of the easiest ways to improve air quality is to open your windows and let fresh air in a couple times a day. For added value take a couple of deep breaths in for a quick mood boost!

Sanctuary – In this non-stop, always on world we live in, stress has become a daily factor in our lives. Creating a technology free, small, dedicated spot in your home or office to retreat to for 5-10 minutes a day is a great way to reduce stress. It serves as a visual queue to relax.

Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Joseph Kramm


Physics shows us that energy flows where attention goes. So when we focus on improving our spaces they come to life and become sources of joy and support in our lives. Who doesn’t want more of that?

Start with a small project you’ve been putting off. And as you begin to feel the benefits of having completed that you’ll gain momentum and want to move onto the next one and the next one. And soon not only will you actually enjoy working on home projects, but you will reap the rewards in well-being and satisfaction too.


Things in Pairs In the bedroom, decorate in pairs. That means two side tables, two lamps and maybe two pieces of art work above the bed. Seeing pairs of items subconsciously reinforces the idea of a couple in the bedroom and brings that energy into the space.

Create Space – This is my all-time favorite as it requires a little bit of sacrifice if you live in a small space. Empty out a drawer or a small section of hanging space in your closet. Literally “creating space” for someone in your home. What better way to show the Universe you are ready for love.

Color – Bring in light reds, terracotta’s and pinks (all colors associated with love) with accent items such as bedding, throw pillows, a throw blanket or art. This way it’s subtle and doesn’t overpower a space that is intended for sleeping, relaxation and love.

Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Joseph Kramm

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