Interior Design Blog

14 Years: A Look Back

This month we celebrated 14 years in business and are taking a moment to look back at our journey to interior design. It was a long one! But perfect in how it happened and what we learned along the way. Join us as we look back at some of the major projects we designed and produced when we were M Crown Productions and some of our most favorite interior projects to date. 


As I look back at all the different spaces we have created for clients in the past- whether permanent or temporary- I am reminded of how important the journey is that gets you to the present moment. 


Lacoste outfits
Photo by Sean Smith

Without our retail store and visual merchandising experience we wouldn’t understand what incredible attention to detail is, because when you set up a store window or display it lives in the space for at least one month without being changed. In a month, thousands of people can see that display as they walk by. And so every single detail, from how the mannequin is styled to how the light is directed to the perfect positioning of a prop- all has to be perfect. 


Unity Event
An event

Without our event experience we wouldn’t be able to effectively manage massive projects with intricate timelines and large budgets. Producing events is like living in a constant fire drill. No matter what happens in the short time you have to prepare for the event and install it, the day of – there is no forgiveness and no wavering. Because on X date at X time, you have 500 VIPs showing up and everything has to be perfect – no matter what it takes. Events also require 12-16 hour days and have more than prepared us for intricate interiors installations.

Events photos

All of these experiences has given us the ability to transition to and succeed in the world of interior design. Sometimes I wonder- what would have happened if I had just begun an interior design agency when I left my corporate job in fashion to start my own company? And this month, as I’ve taken a moment to look back at our past projects and all the adventures and challenges that came along with them – I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Interior Design
Photos by Claire Esparros

Gala Magriñá Design works with clients that understand the importance of creating a beautiful space and want to work with a no-nonsense design team that is able to clearly chart the best way forward. What separates or approach from other designers is our extensive knowledge of how people live and how best to create a customized space that nurtures that. We aim to merge cool and beautiful interiors with a holistic, mindful and intuitive approach to design that results in powerful, healthy spaces that elevate and transform people’s lives. For more information please visit