Interior Design Blog

2022 Blast Off

Happy New Year! In this month’s issue we want to share some office trends we’ve been able to identify across all of our office projects and also talk about the connection between our homes and how we feel inside. Surprisingly, the two are tightly linked together and by working on one, you can improve the other. Finally, head to our #BeyondSpaces blog to read about Gala’s “Top 3 Lessons from 2021”. Wishing everyone an awesome 2022!


Design by Alexander &CO. for Work & Co., Photo by Anson Smart
Design by Alexander &CO. for Work & Co., Photo by Anson Smart


As clients come to us to re work existing office spaces in a post COVID era or to open new ones because they have realized the importance of in person collaboration and socialization, we are seeing a couple of office trends going into 2022 we wanted to share.


One of the main driving factors that’s pushing our clients to rethink their spaces is due to the fact that now that employees have the option of working from home, they want to create spaces that inspire their employees and encourage them to come to the office.

Office polls are all over the place with a lot of employees perfectly happy working from home and others that really want to come into an office to work. It really runs the gamut and there is no right or wrong as companies need to choose what works best for them and their employees.

With that said, for those that love the ease and convenience of working from home- an office space that inspires along with great amenities and in person interactions can be the winning combo to get everyone in and under one roof again. So office design (along with good air!) is more important than ever now. Especially if you would like to see more employees coming into the office.


Many of us have been working from home for almost 2 years now. And there’s no denying how nice it can be to take a conference call from the couch or even while laying down in bed. Working from home with the right set up allows for just as much productivity as in an office and has the added bonus of being able to accommodate different energy levels too. Because sometimes during the work day we get tired and would much rather do work from the sofa then sitting erect at a desk. Enter the resi-mercial office- on steroids.

Now that employees have gotten used to the variable work spaces they have at home, extending that to the office is paramount. Gone are the days of sitting at a desk from 9am-6pm. Our lives and the way we work are so much more dynamic than that and we now need spaces that allow for the flexibility and freedom we find in our homes.

Design by Parini Design, Photo by
Design by Parini Design, Photo by


Many clients are doing away with desks all together (aside from a few “hot desks”) and going for a Soho House vibe throughout the entire office.

In these types of projects we are creating multiple work areas- lounge seating designed for collaboration and socializing, individual arm chairs for focused work, communal tables for focused work both alone and in a group, cafe seating for more casual work conversations over a cup of coffee and then of course a bunch of meeting and phone pod rooms that no matter how big an office is- are always in demand and there never seem to be enough of.

Layer in plants, variable lighting, book cases filled with books and a good sonos sound system and who doesn’t want to come to the office?

So many companies are not thinking about the “employee office experience” and as a result are missing out on creating spaces that inspire and as a result that drive employee wellbeing, happiness and productivity.

Soho Works, Photo by Gina Jackson
Soho Works, Photo by Gina Jackson


Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Claire Esparros
Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Claire Esparros


Our spaces are a reflection of ourselves and what’s happening inside. So if we are unhappy with our spaces, chances are we are unhappy with certain aspects of our lives. Because our spaces are merely a reflection of who we are inside, when we are able to understand what they represent and attend to them, they can actually become a doorway to improving our lives.

In our virtual Beyond Spaces consult, Gala will review your home and talk to you about where you might be feeling stuck and things you can change both in your space and life to get unstuck and begin feeling better again about both.

More and more studies show that our homes, communities and surrounding environment affect our daily motivations, behaviors and lifestyle and these factors determine 80-90% of our health outcomes. With that in mind it’s important to consider the design and vibe of your space to be yet another important aspect of your overall wellness routine.

Book a consult today and start the journey of figuring out what’s working and what isn’t- in your space and in your life.


Who could have predicted that 2021 would be as unusual (to put it mildly) a year as 2020? With working remotely becoming a way of life rather than a temporary situation, and with COVID still (surprise!) in the picture, 2021 continued to be a year of lessons for me. Here is the latest #BEYONDSPACES blog post which shares my top 3 lessons from 2021.

Lessons of 2021

Gala Magriñá Design works with clients that understand the importance of creating a beautiful space and want to work with a no-nonsense design team that is able to clearly chart the best way forward. What separates or approach from other designers is our extensive knowledge of how people live and how best to create a customized space that nurtures that. We aim to merge cool and beautiful interiors with a holistic, mindful and intuitive approach to design that results in powerful, healthy spaces that elevate and transform people’s lives. For more information please visit