Interior Design Blog

Back To Work

September signals a return to normal life and the promise of a new season: Fall. For many, it also means returning to the office for the first time in over a year.  And after being away for so long, it’s a great opportunity for both business owners and employees to ask some serious questions about the actual office space and whether it works or doesn’t, and how best to make improvements.


Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Sean Smith
Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Sean Smith

Whether you are a business owner or employee, after spending so much time AWAY from the office, your first return back is a wonderful opportunity to look at the office experience through fresh eyes. You may never have this opportunity again, so it’s important to take advantage of it!


For employees, here are some of the questions you want to be asking yourself. You can also use these answers to have a conversation with your employer and see how you can go about improving the employee office experience.

Employee Questions:

  1. After my first week back, how do I feel at the end of the week? Inspired? Tired? Depressed?
  2. Am I happy or sad when I sit down to my desk for the first time?
  3. Am I excited to be back at an office or filled with anxiety about returning?
  4. What do I enjoy the most about my office experience?
  5. What do I enjoy the least?
  6. If I could change anything about my office experience, what would it be? The layout, my desk, work space areas (lounge, meeting room, café, phone pods, etc.)

The answers to these questions should give you an overview of how you feel about your current in office experience and help you identify areas of opportunity you can discuss with your colleagues and then with your employer to try and make a positive change within your working environment.

And if you’re still working from home and are feeling uninspired by your WFH situation, check out our Beyond Spaces Consult where we work with you to optimize your space, resulting not only in a beautiful Zoom background, but also in increased functionality, productivity and happiness.

Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Claire Esparros
Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Claire Esparros


For employers, you are juggling A LOT- not only what the in-office schedule looks like, but also COVID health protocols. These are the basics but added to that, now that your business operations look different and employee health and wellbeing are paramount, it’s a great time to ask some deeper, more meaningful questions.

Employer Questions:

  1. How does the office feel the first couple of times you worked from there? Feelings can include good, bad, empty, off brand, blah, etc.
  2. Is the office space a good representation of our brand and company values?
  3. Is the current office layout suitable for our new way of working (if you now have flex schedules). If not, what do we need to change?
  4. Have you sent out an employee survey asking what could be improved in terms of office design and experience?
  5. Does your office get enough natural light and receive proper ventilation?

The answers to these questions should give you an overview of how you feel about your current in office experience and help you identify areas of opportunity. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed and in need of professional help, schedule a 15 minute complimentary consult with Gala to figure out what to prioritize and how best to get it done.

Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Sean Smith
Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Sean Smith

Gala Magriñá Design works with clients that understand the importance of creating a beautiful space and want to work with a no-nonsense design team that is able to clearly chart the best way forward. What separates or approach from other designers is our extensive knowledge of how people live and how best to create a customized space that nurtures that. We aim to merge cool and beautiful interiors with a holistic, mindful and intuitive approach to design that results in powerful, healthy spaces that elevate and transform people’s lives. For more information please visit