Interior Design Blog

Quiz: Is Your Space Working For You? Office Edition

We’re taking our space quiz corporate! Similar to the way that our homes are reflections of us, our places of business are reflections of our brands and company values. We also need these places to be welcoming to employees and clients as well as promote productivity, so if something doesn’t feel right or look right, chances are there is a deeper issue to address. Take the office space quiz and find out!


Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Claire Esparros
Design by Gala Magriñá Design, Photo by Claire Esparros

Business owners, take 5 minutes to answer 10 questions below about your office or place of business:

1. Does your office space/store/showroom reflect your company or brand?

2. When you walk into your work space are you inspired?

3. Do you ever get headaches at work?

4. Does the temperature feel right throughout the year?

5. When you go into storage closets is your first thought – UGH, I really have to clean this out and organize it.

6. Is your layout conducive to employee productivity?

7. Have employees ever complained about there being too much noise?

8. Do you have a high employee turn over rate?

9. Do you find that the majority of your employees are highly productive?

10. Is your company profitable?

A beautiful dinner room
Photo by Chief

If you answered yes to any of questions 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9 or no to questions 3, 4, 7 and 10 then you need to make a change to your space. These questions point to issues related to health, design, clutter and color that can be having a negative impact on your business and employees.

Book a one-hour virtual Beyond Spaces Consult with Gala and find out what you can do to improve your space, how to address problem areas, what they mean, and how they may be affecting your bottom line.

Gala Magriñá Design works with clients that understand the importance of creating a beautiful space and want to work with a no-nonsense design team that is able to clearly chart the best way forward. What separates or approach from other designers is our extensive knowledge of how people live and how best to create a customized space that nurtures that. We aim to merge cool and beautiful interiors with a holistic, mindful and intuitive approach to design that results in powerful, healthy spaces that elevate and transform people’s lives. For more information please visit