Studies show that our environments affect our moods, behaviors and actions – and that those determine 80-90% of our health outcomes. There is no better time to not only get your space looking great, but also feeling right and supporting your mind, body, business and spirit. With so many people working from home, and in doing so realizing their spaces don’t feel right or need some help, we’ve decided to add a residential service. We will begin offering two hour in-person or hour and a half virtual Holistic Interior Design Consults with our Founder and Holistic Interior Design expert, Gala Magriñá in addition to continuing this service with our retail and office clients.
The Consult
● The Intro: All consults begin with a discussion to identify any issues pertaining to your space and any concerns or goals you may have in your life or business.
● The Walk Through: Gala will tour your space through the lens of Holistic Interior Design and Feng Shui, which goes beyond the world of furniture and décor and looks at the energy and flow of the space. Special attention will be paid to problem areas in the space (which tend to be reflections of problems happening in life or within our businesses), clutter, and potential changes to your space so that it can support your goals and dreams. Additionally, she may work with your existing décor to bring hints of nature into your space which has been proved to reduce stress and boost immunity.
● The Rx: Once complete, a ‘prescription’ will be provided. This will outline everything that you can do to improve your space. Suggestions may include rearranging furniture or fixtures, painting a focal wall, introducing air monitoring systems, performing a space clearing and blessing, or bringing certain objects and art into the space. These are just some of the quick and easy examples of changes that can be made to your space to feel an immediate boost in energy, well being and peace.
The Benefits
After speaking with Gala and implementing the Rx, you can expect the following:
● A sense of renewed energy and inspiration
● A feeling of lightness and possibility
● To be more comfortable and happier in your space
● More ideas, things and opportunities entering your life, particularly after eliminating clutter
● A sense of peace and calm
● Improved concentration and mood as well as lower stress levels, particularly after maximizing access to natural air and light
● More awareness and insight into any issues you may be having in your life or with your business
● Living your life with more intention and mindfulness
Schedule Your Consult
Consultations can be scheduled here – with in-person consults within the tri-state area and virtual consultations as an alternative for those located elsewhere.
For more information on all things holistic design, check out Gala on our IGTV channel. Tune in for new episodes on #wellnesswednesdays!