Interior Design Blog

Make Space

How to Make your Home a Safe Haven

As we all retreat to our homes for the next couple of weeks, we wanted to share some easy to follow tips of what you can do to turn your home into a sanctuary (and put some of that anxious, restless energy to work ?). Our spaces have the ability to soothe, inspire and transform us and we want nothing more than to show you how in the hopes that it brings some sort of peace and happiness into your life right now.

1. Serena & Lily | 2. | 3. The Sill  | 4. Taylor Simpson, Unsplash | 5. Bennia Madi Interiors | 6.

1. Tame the clutter: Not only is this a great exercise to focus your energy on something other than the news – but a clean and organized home promotes a calm mind and helps to alleviate anxiety. If this is something you tend to put off – now is the time!

2. Get some fresh air: When you can, take a walk outside. But for times when you can’t – open the windows and let the breeze in. Take some deep breaths and enjoy the feeling of freshness this brings into your home.

3. Bring on the Biophilia: Take this time to either add some plants or take extra special care of the ones you already have. Not only will it feel good to have something to tend to – but they will help you as well by connecting you with nature and keeping your air clean.

4. Create a sanctuary: Take a look at your space and evaluate how it makes you feel. What could you realistically do to make it a more calm and pleasant place? Try moving some furniture around (check out the Feng Shui concept of Chi). Pull out a throw or two and make your sofa a cozy place to spend time with family or read a book. Make your bed each day and try to make it feel like as much like a hotel as possible for a mini ‘staycation’. Make your bedroom a social media and news free zone that you use only to sleep and relax in.

5. Delineate spaces: While you’re spending more time in your space than usual – it can begin to feel like you’re boxed in pretty quickly. This is especially true with kids home from school – keep some separate spaces for them and their ‘stuff’ if you can. This might be a totally different room – or it may be as simple as laying out some toys on a play pad and putting them into a basket each night after they go to bed so that you can feel like the space is yours, too. 

6. Fill it with love: Not only do our spaces contribute to the energy that we feel – but the energy we put out also fills our spaces. Stay as positive as possible. Spend time with your family doing things you don’t normally get to do – play games, watch a movie together, make a meal, turn off your phones and just talk. Just creating moments of happiness and laughter will make your home feel brighter and lighter without even lifting a finger. hotos for the same effect.

For more tips on how to improve your space, check out our 9 Tips for Holistic Space.