Interior Design Blog

Colors Of Le Jardin Majorelle

Choosing a color palette for your home or office

With spring on the way, we wanted to do a small feature on COLOR. Painting a focal wall in the home or office is a quick way to add color and is just as easy as it is impactful. It can entirely change the look and feel of a space and uplift you. One color we got to see first hand while in Marrakech was Majorelle Blue at Le Jardin Majorelle. It is a blue so intense we found ourselves starring at it endlessly – its effect on us was mesmerizing. How could one color be so powerful?

There are all kinds of theories about color, but what we believe it all boils down to is personal taste. You should choose a color that not only goes with your home or office but that for whatever reason you find yourself drawn to. It’s kind of like art: We love and gravitate towards some pieces and others we don’t, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Generally, the more saturated and bright a color is (like Majorelle Blue), the more energizing it is to look at and the less saturated and more muted the color, the more relaxing it tends to be. With that in mind, consider the main purpose of the room and what feeling it should promote before picking a color.

If you’re looking to bring a little color into your home or office, here are three bold, spring-worthy colors. We suggest choosing an eggshell finish for all interior walls.